Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fires: Consequences even in the environment

Environmental experts give the alarm for increasing rate of erosion at the time of rainfall, due to the massive burning of forests, which still continues. 

Considering this year as an extraordinary one, not only in terms of high temperatures that are the cause for the burning of forests, but also due to arson, experts express their concerns about negative impacts it will cause to the environment.

"Once the rain starts, it takes the whole mass of the earth, humus and put on stream with him. If there is any forest, the collision is amortized," says Haki Zoto, specialist of the Ministry of Environment.

Another concern is the damage that is undergoing fauna, which according to specialists, results in the destruction of the entire ecosystem.

"In addition to the damage caused to the flora, there is also damage caused to wild fauna in the high forests, where fires have started, where bears, deer, wild boars, and species of mammals and birds live," says Zoto.

Some of the most problematic areas are those Bulqiza, Puka, Tepelena and Korça, who continue to burn out by fires. 

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