Saturday, September 1, 2012

In September the battle for immunity

At the beginning of the new parliamentary session, Assembly Speaker Topalli stated the government commitment to lift any legal immunity of officials and judges. 

In a statement for the media, which also made a summary of the activity of the Assembly during the last session, Speaker Topalli accused opposition leader Edi Rama for blocking a set of laws and reforms, in order to prevent the status of EU candidate country.

"Of course I was sad that the session closure on August 6 was made through a rejection or a blockage, to vote a draft written by the opposition.
This was a bad message sent to Albanians, to international community in the fight against corruption. No Member of Parliament is responsible for this message, because it’s their fault.
But we certainly feel that immunity lifting has a great importance and not the ways we do it. We have been and continue to be determined to pursue all legal and constitutional ways to achieve that goal, which is the immunity lifting," said Topalli.

Topalli commented on the issue of election of the new Chairman of the Central Election Commission, following the approval by consensus of the amendments to the Electoral Code. According to Topalli, the race for the new head of the CEC will be opened on September 3, a day after the amendments to the law come to effect.

The head of Parliament Topalli announced the launch of the new parliamentary session on Monday, September 3. The work agenda of the Assembly for this session is expected to be a series of important laws, part of the 12 criteria set by the European Union, where, among other things, is the law of the Supreme Court, the Law on Immunities and initiatives of the Socialist Party for some changes in the country’s Constitution. 

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